About Us - Smart Storing

With roots at Orust - and out into the world.

"It started at Volvo."

The company name “Smart Storing” was adopted as recently as 2006, but the business has deep roots. The company was founded in 1986 by the current owner and CEO Kjell Johansson.

In the early 1990s, Kjell won a major contract for Volvo Trucks to rationalize and improve the factory’s storage system. This gave him inspiration to specialize in this field. He saw three important openings in the market for an engineering company with smart solutions, namely the need for more compact storage of materials, faster picking processes and better ergonomics in the workplace.

Kjell johansson lagret

Swedish quality and design

We don’t believe in making wear-and-tear products, we do things that work and last. The basis is the workshop mechanic’s understanding of the material, the engineer’s knowledge of design and efficiency, and the company’s ability to find new solutions for modern industry.

Orust – historic centre for shipbuilding

Smart Storing is located on Orust, located 80 km north of Gothenburg, Sweden’s industrial center. Orust has historically been the center of shipbuilding and is still home to several leading manufacturers of sailboats, thus having a proud tradition of craftsmanship and design.

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Dependence on our resellers

We depend on our network of dealers and business partners in Europe to get our products out there. Smart Storing’s products are also available in Mexico, China and the USA. Our dealers have different orientations – but all are experts in their fields.

We have a quality-focused and strong team